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Mike Morse Winning in the Community Scholarship

Making a Difference

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Mike Morse Law Firm is committed to making a difference in the communities we serve. With education being one of the most reliable paths to increased opportunity, we are passionate about helping students reach their post-secondary educational goals. We also understand that college can place a tremendous financial strain on both students and their families, so we created the Winning in the Community Scholarship to help relieve that stress. The scholarship will award $2000 annually to a current or prospective college student who has excelled not only in the classroom, but in his or her community.

Growing up, Mike’s parents taught him the values of charity and public service. He’s carried these principles with him throughout his entire life, and he’s built the Mike Morse Law Firm to reflect these values.

“‘To whom much is given, much is required’ was a core value that my dad lived daily as he fought to help people in his law practice and make a difference in his community,” said Morse. “So, it was instilled in me very early that I had a responsibility to not only fight for my clients but to help to make the world around me better.”

The Winning in the Community Scholarship is meant to assist students who have made a positive and lasting impact on their community. Whether they’ve been active as a volunteer, or as an entrepreneur starting a non-profit -or anything in between- helping others is something only people with a true dedication to giving back are passionate about.


Award Amount:


Applications Due:

April 13, 2025 by 11:59 pm


Scholarship Eligibility:

  • Individual must be entering or currently enrolled as a full or part time student in an accredited university in the United States
  • Have a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher (MUST provide transcripts)
  • Has made a positive and lasting impact in their community
  • Selection is based on the creativity of your community initiative and extent of overall efforts in the community.

Essay Requirements:

Write an essay of 750 words or more on:

  • What impact have you made in your community?
  • Who has benefited and how has it benefited them?
  • Design a new Mike Morse Law Firm community give-back initiative describing how the community will benefit, who within the community will benefit, and why the community needs it.

How to Submit:

Send the following together in a single email to marketing@855mikewins.com by the due date:

  • Your essay.
  • A copy of your most recent school transcripts.
  • In the body of the email include your full name, age, current contact information, and the location and name of the college or university you are currently or will be attending.


Winners will be notified by phone and email by April 28th, 2025. Checks will be paid directly to the student’s college or university.

2024 Winning in the Community Scholarship Winner

Name: Carrington Wash School: Spelman College Major: Political Science – Pre-Law Track Bio: Carrington Wash is a high-achieving senior at Mercy High School, dedicated to scholarship, service, and promoting diversity and inclusion. As the current president of the AKATeens of Detroit Leadership Program, she initiated the Period Poverty Awareness Project, which crowned her Miss Farmington Cities 2022. Carrington aspires to be a civil rights attorney passionate about social justice and community engagement and is excited to study Political Science at Spelman College.