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  • 87- Former Tonight Show Writer Has Given 5 TEDx Talks and Shares Tips on How to Get One of Your Own!

87- Former Tonight Show Writer Has Given 5 TEDx Talks and Shares Tips on How to Get One of Your Own!

87- Former Tonight Show Writer Has Given 5 TEDx Talks and Shares Tips on How to Get One of Your Own!
87- Former Tonight Show Writer Has Given 5 TEDx Talks and Shares Tips on How to Get One of Your Own!


Show Notes

[00:24] Frank King’s background and bio. [01:57] Welcome to Open Mike, Frank! [02:23] That was quite an intro I just read! You’ve done it all, and now you’re doing TEDx Talks on suicide, comedy — I don’t even know where to begin! Let’s start with The Tonight Show — who was the host during the time you were there? [03:57] You got to work with and meet a bunch of celebrities, Jerry Seinfeld, Ellen DeGeneres, Kevin James… they came to the studio with their own jokes, so would you just meet them when they were in the building, working on the show? [04:46] You were writing on The Tonight Show, so were you ever on The Tonight Show? [05:31] Tell us one of your favorite bits or jokes you sold, whatever comes to mind! [06:55] Now you’re doing TED Talks… tell us how you got into that and the topics you speak on. [09:05] As someone who has hereditary Major Depressive Disorder and experiences moments of suicidal ideation, Frank realized he could speak on suicide prevention if he got some education on it. [11:07] So, people are hiring you to help them get TEDx Talks? [11:21] Tell our listeners and viewers the difference between a TED Talk and a TEDx Talk. [13:11] You’re talking about a very tough subject, you’re showing vulnerability, and adding some humor… was the first time you took the stage nerve-wracking? [14:22] What are a few of the takeaways from your talk? So people can search you out on TED and YouTube… [15:45] What’s the topic of your sixth TEDx Talk coming up in February? [16:38] Frank’s next talk is about depressive realism, a suggested attribute of people with depression that allows them to see the world as it is, unaffected by “rose-colored glasses.” The idea is to change the frame through which we view depression — not every aspect of it is negative. [17:56] You don’t get paid for TEDx Talks, correct? [18:56] What are you striving for? I imagine the goal is number of viewers — what’s a successful talk vs. a not-so-successful talk? [21:00] We’ve had five people on the show who have been wrongfully convicted, and some of them may want to do a TEDx Talk one day. They may not necessarily be able to afford to hire a coach but would benefit from some advice. What should they do in order to book a TEDx Talk some day? [25:42] How does one translate a lifelong experience, a story that takes hours and hours to share, into a fifteen-minute talk? [27:09] If you go to Frank’s coaching website, you can check out a PDF called 6 Things That Will KILL Your Chances Of Landing A TEDx Talk for more guidance on story structure. [27:40] I assume you’re doing TEDx virtually now? [28:06] Once you conduct a TEDx Talk, how do you leverage it? [29:40] Are you getting paid speaking gigs from these talks? [31:20] The professions with the five highest suicide rates are: construction, mining, excavation, fishing/forestry, dentists/veterinarians/physicians. [33:25] Right now is a good time to apply to TEDx because many people believe talks are no longer occurring, which is not the case. Many are occurring virtually. Additionally, the National Speakers Association estimates 25-40% of current speakers will not be working in the industry following the pandemic. There will be a pent-up demand and fewer speakers, so now is a good time to get in position if you are interested in being a speaker. [35:29] Thank you to Frank King for appearing on Open Mike! If you’re interested in a TED Talk or know someone who has an interesting story, make sure to check out his speaking website and coaching website. Thank you for supporting Open Mike!
87- Former Tonight Show Writer Has Given 5 TEDx Talks and Shares Tips on How to Get One of Your Own!

Content checked by Mike Morse, personal injury attorney with Mike Morse Injury Law Firm. Mike Morse is the founder of Mike Morse Law Firm, the largest personal injury law firm in Michigan. Since being founded in 1995, Mike Morse Law Firm has grown to over 200 employees, served 40,000 clients, and collected more than $1.5 billion for victims of auto, truck and motorcycle accidents. The main office is in Southfield, MI but you can also find us in Detroit, Sterling Heights and many other locations.

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