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July 2022 Auto Recalls

july 2022 auto recallsSafety on the roads should be a top priority for everyone, and while driving safely is an important factor, the safety of your vehicle matters just as much. While today's vehicles are equipped with top of the line safety features, vehicle recalls can happen every day. In October alone, 21 different recalls were announced for U.S. motor vehicles. Make sure you stay up to date with auto recalls to ensure that your vehicle is ready to roll on the roads.

December Auto Recalls

Auto recalls-product liabilitySafety on the roads should be a top priority for everyone, and while driving safely is an important factor, the safety of your vehicle matters just as much. While today's vehicles are equipped with top of the line safety features, vehicle recalls can happen every day. In October alone, 21 different recalls were announced for U.S. motor vehicles. Make sure you stay up to date with auto recalls to ensure that your vehicle is ready to roll on the roads.

Sue’s Wish List for 2022

Mike Morse Law Firm-Sue’s Wish List for 2022Birthdays ending in "zero" usually include a celebratory adventure. My birthday next year is a BIG birthday! For me, it's an excuse for a big adventure, which means travelling to a new, exotic location. However, because of the pandemic, it's "fingers crossed" until travel is allowed to where I want to go. That's why any travel plans for the moment must be designated as a "wish list."

What’s the Statute of Limitations… and How Does It Affect My Personal Injury Case?

statue of limitation in MichiganIf you’ve ever watched a TV courtroom drama, you’re probably familiar with common, legal jargon such as “beyond a reasonable doubt,” or “innocent until proven guilty.” These phrases which form the foundation of our entire legal system are designed under the premise of protecting citizens from unfair prosecution, regardless of the crime they’ve been accused...

How to Deal With a Hit-and-Run Accident

hit and run accidentLet’s start this article by noting that any accident can be terrifying, but a hit-and-run accident – even if it happens to your parked car while you’re safely at work or wandering through a grocery store – can be genuinely traumatizing. Having your property damaged by someone careless (or cruel) enough to leave the scene...

America’s Worst State for Winter Accidents: It’s Pure Michigan

winter car accidents-Mike Morse Law FirmThere are several good reasons for our poor showing when it comes to winter driving statistics.  For one thing, the west side of the state is plagued with lake effect snow -- those accumulating drifts that build up when frigid air crosses Lake Michigan and generate snow squalls that dump flocks of flakes on the counties along its eastern shore. 

Sue Morse Shares Her Favorite Thanksgiving Recipe

Sue MorseThanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year.  It’s a holiday with no obligations other than good food and good cheer.  Our family includes meat-eaters, vegetarians, vegans, and gluten-free devotees.  As you might imagine, it’s hard to please everyone.  However, the one dish that is enjoyed by all is my oven-roasted veggies.  Not only are...

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Melvin Johnson

“This firm’s professionalism far exceeds the normal verbal and written communications expected from a law office. They could not have done a better job with the matters concerning my case and I would highly recommend them.”

Hattie Spencer

“When the attorneys at the Mike Morse Law Firm represented me, we were not just a number, we were family. They really cared about what I was going through. I could not have asked for better people to work on my case.”

Terrence Williams

“I think very highly of Mr. Morse’s office and would recommend them to anyone. It starts with the great feeling you get when you come to the office for the very first time and it has continued with the excellent customer service they always provided. I don’t even need to ask questions because the attorneys and paralegals are so on top of their jobs. They have always been there for me. I have a warm and friendly feeling anytime I stop in. It feels like home.”

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