Is It Worth Hiring A Car Accident Lawyer
Being involved in a car accident can be a terrifying experience. Often accidents result in injuries and severe property damage. If your car is not entirely totaled, it may likely require significant repairs. The legal system can help establish who is liable for the accident and which party must cover the other person’s medical bills and other expenses. Getting a proper settlement without the help of a car accident lawyer is difficult. If you want help establishing liability, gathering evidence, and dealing with insurance companies, it is best to hire an attorney experienced in personal injury law.
Negligence and Automobile Accidents
As with other types of incidents, deeming who is responsible for a traffic accident involves figuring out which party is negligent. The responsible party is often apparent from the police report, but the law the person violated is usually less obvious. An attorney knows the law and understands how to gather evidence to prove negligence. Lawyers also know how to interpret police reports, state traffic laws, and witness statements.
Courts consider a variety of elements when determining who is negligent in a car accident case. The following factors are often at play in automobile accidents:
- Failing to follow traffic signs
- Failing to signal while turning
- Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Disregarding unsafe weather conditions or traffic elements
- Improper lane passing
This is not a comprehensive list of traffic accident causes. An attorney can help determine the cause of the accident and who was negligent.
Reckless Driving
Reckless driving is often deemed a cause of severe automobile accidents. Motorists can be found liable for car accident damages if they showed reckless or intentional conduct. Reckless driving is a broad term that encompasses many activities but generally involves operating a motor vehicle unsafely. The motorist must show apparent disregard for the safety of other motorists to be deemed negligent by most courts.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration defines reckless or aggressive driving as actions including:
- Driving significantly over the posted speed limit
- Improper lane change, including failure to use the signal within the proper time frame
- Improper passing, including failure to signal intent
This is not a comprehensive list of activities defined as aggressive by the NHTSA. An attorney can help you determine if your car accident was caused by reckless driving.
Drunk Driving
The NHTSA estimates that someone is killed in a drunk-driving accident every 51 minutes. There are over one million individuals injured in alcohol-related accidents each year. In an alcohol-related drunk driving lawsuit, an attorney must establish the driver’s level of intoxication. An attorney must also show that the negligent party’s actions caused the other party’s injuries. Other people, including the bartender who served the drunk driver alcohol, can also be found negligent. However, drunk drivers are still liable for the damages they caused, even if other parties are also found negligent.
Because lawyers understand legal responsibility laws, a car accident lawyer can help you understand your rights and the extent of your injuries.
Reasons To Hire a Car Accident Lawyer
There are many benefits of hiring a car accident lawyer if you were involved in an automobile crash. Here are some reasons it is essential to work with an experienced car accident attorney:
Reason #1- Detailed Knowledge of Damages
Damages is the term used by the legal system and insurance companies to refer to the monetary compensation awarded to a car accident victim. You can get financial compensation for property damages, medical expenses, lost wages, wrongful death damages, attendant care, and pain and suffering. Both economic damages and non-economic damages can be included in a monetary compensation package.
To get a suitable compensation package, you need to understand your rights, the extent of your injuries, and what constitutes fair compensation. An attorney can help you understand your legal rights and how much money you need to pay for your immediate and future medical expenses. An experienced attorney can also help you determine the mental distress associated with your accident and if you should get compensation. If you estimate this amount yourself, you may underestimate the amount of money the courts typically award in car accident cases.
Reason #2- Injuries Aren’t Always Apparent
Specific car accident injuries take days or even weeks to appear. An attorney often recommends visiting a medical professional immediately after following an accident, even if you are not experiencing any symptoms. Visiting a doctor is a good idea because proper documentation of your injuries is vital if you want compensation for your medical expenses. What seems like a minor bruise can develop into something much more severe in the coming weeks. Properly documenting your injuries is vital to establishing negligence in a court case. An attorney can help you gather this paperwork and any other evidence to help establish the extent of your injuries.
Reason #3- Extensive Knowledge of Personal Injury Law
Most car accident victims are not aware of the laws about their cases. Experienced car accident lawyers have in-depth knowledge of personal injury laws and how they pertain to your case. After a car accident, you do not have time to waste on research when you need to focus on recovery. An attorney can help you understand the laws and how they pertain to your situation. Legal professionals also know how to format official documents, cite legal precedent, gather evidence, and present evidence in court. Interpreting laws is rigorous, and hiring an attorney is the best way to ensure you get the best compensation package.
Reason #4- Negotiate and Provide Representation in Court
Car insurance companies try to deny claims or pay less than you are entitled to. Attorneys understand how insurance companies operate, and they know how to negotiate, so you get the highest award possible. If the insurance company denies your claim, an attorney can appeal the decision to avoid going to court. If your case ends up going to court, an attorney can provide you with representation. Personal injury lawsuits are complicated, and an attorney can help protect your interests.
Reason #5- Avoid Financial Loss
Are you at risk of financial ruin if you do not receive a high monetary award? Are you prepared to pay for your ongoing medical expenses if the insurance company denies your claim? If you are like most people, you do not have the money to recover after a car accident fully.
Working with an attorney is essential if you want to avoid financial loss. When it comes to personal injury lawsuits, you only have one chance. You could end up paying a significant amount of money if you do not hire an attorney, even if you did not cause the crash. A car accident lawyer will look after your best interests and ensure you do not spend your own money on your medical expenses.
Work With Mike Morse Law Firm
Were you recently involved in a car accident in Michigan? It is essential to understand your rights and how Michigan laws deal with car accident cases. Contact Mike Morse Law Firm today. Our team is experienced in personal injury law, and we can help you understand your rights. We will work to get you the money you deserve. Contact us today to set up a consultation with one of our car accident lawyers.
Types Of Auto Accidents
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