Michigan’s Largest Personal Injury Law Firm

Michigan’s Largest Personal Injury Law Firm


Watch Out for These Hazards If You’re Planning to Use Airbnb or Other, Short-Term Rentals on Your Holiday Travels

Renting a house for holidayThe holiday season should be a joyful time, filled with cherished memories and unforgettable experiences shared with friends and loved ones alike. For many of us, trips to faraway places are an important part of the mix. In recent years, short-term rental services like Airbnb and VRBO have helped millions of travelers find safe and affordable...

Life in the Fast Lane: Understanding Michigan’s New HOV Lanes

Highway accidentsThey’re here! Michigan has just opened its first High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes in both directions along a stretch of I-75 in Oakland County between 12 Mile Road and South Boulevard. The state’s traffic engineers at MDOT hope these extra lanes will make a big difference on what has long been a highly congested and somewhat risky stretch of highway. We...

Don’t Make These Mistakes After You’ve Been Injured in an Accident

Car accident lawyers at Mike Morse Law FirmOver the years, we’ve taken several opportunities to outline steps you should definitely take after you’ve been injured in an accident. This time, we’ll be discussing key actions to avoid if you’ve been hurt – both to safeguard your physical and mental condition, and to prevent yourself from harming or losing your right to sue for damages.   Don’t Think...

Halloween Safety 101: Protecting Your Ghouls and Goblins

Halloween SafetySo many traditions surround Halloween, a day when the divide between the living and dead is supposedly at its thinnest. Thankfully, this is just folklore popularized by the scary stories, costumes, and horror movies we see this time of year. So, what is there to be genuinely frightened of this Halloween (other than potential cavities...

Safety in Numbers: A Beginner’s Guide to Class Action Lawsuits

class action lawsuitsIt seems to be happening more and more often in recent years. You might receive a postcard, or perhaps get an unexpected email, inviting you to join a class action lawsuit. Numerous companies have been targeted for various reasons. For example, big tech firms like Yahoo, Google, and Meta have all been accused of improper business practices (such as...

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Our clients Say it the best

Melvin Johnson

“This firm’s professionalism far exceeds the normal verbal and written communications expected from a law office. They could not have done a better job with the matters concerning my case and I would highly recommend them.”

Hattie Spencer

“When the attorneys at the Mike Morse Law Firm represented me, we were not just a number, we were family. They really cared about what I was going through. I could not have asked for better people to work on my case.”

Terrence Williams

“I think very highly of Mr. Morse’s office and would recommend them to anyone. It starts with the great feeling you get when you come to the office for the very first time and it has continued with the excellent customer service they always provided. I don’t even need to ask questions because the attorneys and paralegals are so on top of their jobs. They have always been there for me. I have a warm and friendly feeling anytime I stop in. It feels like home.”

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