Detroit Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

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HomeWhen an older person transitions from the comfort of home into a Detroit, MI, long-term care facility or nursing home, family members expect their loved one to be well cared for and treated with kindness. Sadly, though, many nursing homes aren’t the well-staffed, clean, and friendly facilities as portrayed in their websites and brochures. Behind some closed doors, defenseless nursing home residents are being neglected or abused. 

Nursing homes in the Detroit area have a legal and ethical obligation to properly look after the residents in their care. The nursing home abuse attorneys at Mike Morse Law Firm are appalled to hear reports of nursing home abuse cases in Michigan. Health limitations may prevent nursing home residents from defending themselves. The nursing home abuse lawyers with Mike Morse are proud to be the voice for those who can’t advocate for themselves and fight for the rights of victims in Detroit, MI.

If you have entrusted the care of your loved one to a Detroit nursing home or long-term care facility and he or she has been the victim of abuse, neglect, or other mistreatment, our Detroit personal injury lawyers can help. We aggressively go after not only those who cause the abuse, but also those who allow it to happen. You deserve justice and the peace of mind that comes from being assured that your loved one is being well looked after! Contact the Mike Morse Law Firm at 885-MIKE-WINS for a free consultation with one of our nursing home abuse attorneys today. You pay NO FEES until we win your case!

When You Need a Detroit, MI Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

It is estimated that 1 in 10 elderly adults in Michigan falls victim to abuse. This shockingly high statistic takes on even more meaning if your loved one is the victim of abuse in a nursing home facility. Our lawyers have over two decades of experience in handling nursing home abuse cases in Detroit and throughout Michigan. We know how to pursue justice and peace of mind for you and your family members. 

If you suspect that your loved one is being abused in a nursing home in the Detroit area, call our law office immediately. Taking legal action is an important step in forcing the nursing home to stop its negligent or abusive behavior. Sadly, nursing home administrators often make changes to their treatment of residents only when faced with legal and financial consequences for their actions.

Abuse cases that take place in the nursing homes of Detroit, MI, can be difficult to prove. Accusations of neglect and abuse are often dismissed, without the nursing home administrators facing any real consequences or changing their ways. After your initial consultation, our Detroit, MI, nursing home abuse lawyers will thoroughly investigate your claim and get to work building a case for you and your loved one. Let us put our expertise to work for you! Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

Signs of Neglect In Detroit, Michigan Nursing Homes

Nursing home neglect occurs when your loved one is not provided with the care or services needed to keep them clean, safe, and free from pain. Caregiver neglect may be intentional or unintentional and manifest itself in different ways.

When visiting your loved one, look out for the following common signs of nursing home neglect:

  • Bedsores
  • Unkempt appearance or poor hygiene
  • Failure to report injuries to medical staff or family members
  • Sudden weight loss or gain
  • Dehydration or malnutrition
  • Soiled bed sheets
  • Insufficient social interaction or the resident is left alone for long periods of time
  • Unsafe living conditions such as fire hazards, lack of water, or faulty electrical wiring

Keep in mind that while nursing home neglect isn’t always intentional, it can still prove to be dangerous. The neglect of your loved one could result in she being hospitalized or even passing away. If you suspect someone you love is the victim of nursing home abuse, our compassionate Detroit, Michigan, personal injury lawyers can help. Justice isn’t just about money- it’s about the peace of mind that comes from knowing your loved one is safe and secure. 

Has Your Loved One Been a Victim of Nursing Home Abuse In Detroit?

Many Detroit, Michigan, nursing home residents have dementia or other conditions that prevent them from protecting themselves from their abusers. Abuse may come from nursing home staff, visitors to the facility, or fellow residents. Nursing home abuse can take many forms, so be alert to indications of the various types of nursing home abuse, as follows.

This abuse is any type of violence that leaves the victim physically injured or harmed. Acts of physical abuse may occur just once or over a period of time. Since an elderly person’s body is typically fragile, just one act of abuse can result in hospitalization or worse. 

The following are some signs that may indicate that your loved one is being physically abused:

  • Cuts and bruises
  • Broken bones
  • Pressure or restraint marks on the wrists or ankles
  • Over-medication
  • Cowering or refusing to speak in front of certain staff members
  • Sudden changes in behavior (withdrawn, flinch, fear of being touched, crying, rocking)
  • Loss of appetite

Psychological or emotional abuse

Abuse of the elderly may not always involve physical violence. Mistreatment can be emotional or psychological as well. 

Emotional abuse may be verbal or non-verbal and include such things as:

  • Humiliating a resident
  • Blaming a resident
  • Sarcastic remarks
  • Scapegoating
  • Engaging in demeaning behavior towards the elder
  • Ignoring a resident’s needs
  • Threatening to withhold food, medication, or something else as a form of “punishment”
  • Isolating a resident from friends or family members

If your family member has become withdrawn, depressed, or is showing other changes in behavior, these could be signs that your loved one is being emotionally abused. Visiting your loved ones frequently and at different times throughout that week may help you determine if they are being abused and by whom.

Sexual abuse

Tragically, some residents of long-term care facilities have become victims of sexual abuse. Sexual acts are illegal with those who don’t have their full mental capabilities or ability to speak, as they are unable to give consent. Sexual abuse may involve unwanted groping, touching, or sexual intercourse. 

The following may be signs that a nursing home resident has been sexually abused:

  • Developing a sexually transmitted disease (STD)
  • Pelvic pain
  • Bruising around the genitals or inner thighs
  • Difficulty walking
  • Panic attacks or signs of agitation

Financial abuse

Staff members, fellow residents, or visitors may even take advantage of residents by exploiting them financially. Those who financially abuse the elderly typically engage in the following behaviors:

  • Forging the resident’s signature on checks or cashing checks in the resident’s name without permission
  • Misuse of the elderly one’s power of attorney
  • Overcharging for services
  • Stealing possessions or money 
  • Coercing the resident into changing his or her will
  • Manipulating the resident into giving expensive gifts
  • Making charges on the elderly person’s credit card without permission

Do I Have a Case?

Who Can Be Held Liable For Nursing Home Abuse In Detroit, MI?

Nursing facility residents are often unable to care for themselves and are dependent on their caregivers for food, shelter, hygiene, and medications. The fact that these residents are dependent on nursing homes means that each facility has a legal obligation to properly care for those under its care. 

Our nursing home abuse lawyers at Mike Morse Law Firm are experienced in handling these types of cases. We will work tirelessly to investigate your claim and hold those responsible for your family member’s abuse liable for their actions. There are many circumstances in which a lawyer can hold a Detroit, MI, nursing home accountable for someone’s pain and suffering. 

A personal injury lawyer may bring a lawsuit against a nursing facility for, but not limited to, the following reasons:

  • Negligent hiring (failing to perform background checks)
  • Insufficient training of staff
  • Allowing unsafe or hazardous conditions to exist in the facility
  • Poor maintenance of equipment (walkers, wheelchairs, lifting devices)
  • Unnecessary or harmful restraint
  • Improper supervision of staff 
  • Lack of adequate security

Depending on what our lawyers discover during the initial investigation, other parties may be found to be liable for the abuse. The parties responsible for your loved one’s abuse may include:

  • Nurses and other caregivers: These workers provide care to nursing home residents and should have proper education and training for the positions that they hold. The duty of care towards the elderly demands that Detroit care facility staff members behave professionally and responsibly at all times. Improper care of an elderly person can result in injury or wrongful death. If a nurse or another caregiver is negligent or intentionally harms a resident, your Detroit, MI, nursing home abuse attorney will fight to have the person held accountable.
  • Visitors to the nursing home facility: Assisted-living facilities have an obligation to provide their residents with a safe environment. This includes providing adequate security to protect them from all visitors. If a visitor causes harm to a resident, both the guest and the facility could be held liable for the harm caused. 
  • Pharmaceutical companies: If a resident is administered medication that causes dangerous side-effects, the manufacturer of the drug could possibly be held liable for the sad results. 

Our Attorneys For Nursing Home Abuse Are Here For You

All of us at Mike Morse Law Firm are appalled to hear reports of abuse and neglect in Michigan’s assisted-living facilities and nursing homes. Our nursing home abuse lawyers serving Detroit, MI, can offer you and your family legal assistance during this difficult time. 

Put our legal expertise at work for you! If you are seeking an attorney for nursing home abuse victims, call 885-MIKE-WINS to schedule a free consultation with us today!


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