What to do after a dog bite

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What To Do After Suffering A Michigan Dog Bite

What to do after a dog biteThinking clearly in the face of a dog bite isn’t easy. Tuck away these tips now in case a Michigan dog bite arises later. You’ll be grateful you did.

  1. Identify the dog as specifically as possible. “A German Shepard puppy with light brown markings around its face” is much more helpful than “a big brown dog.” If you can get the dog’s name, even better. Knowing the dog that bit you is crucial to seeking compensation, as well as for determining if the dog has any contagious diseases, such as rabies.
  2. Seek medical treatment. Skin lacerations can easily become infected. Inform your doctor exactly what happened, and let her know the dog’s breed. Different dogs present different health risks.
  3. Photograph your injuries. Taking pictures of your injuries as soon as possible helps pinpoint the severity of the attack. If you cannot take pictures, contact the Mike Morse Law Firm for personal assistance right at your home.
  4. Notify the authorities. An investigation carried out by police or animal control provides a formal record of events, witnesses, dog ownership and statements. Additionally, reporting your incident will help protect others from attack.
  5. Gather information. Similar to gathering information after a car accident, you’ll want to record as many details as you can. Note the dog’s breed and name, along with the owner’s name and address. Take pictures of the area where the attack took place, and gather the names and addresses of all witnesses.
  6. Stay involved. Keep track of how the authorities are proceeding. The dog should not be put to sleep, as DNA or a cast of the dog’s mouth might be needed for your case.
  7. Make no statements before consulting the Mike Morse Law Firm. You might be asked for statement from individuals seeking to limit their own liability. Contact our offices first. Our experienced professionals will guide you through this stressful time.

Michigan Dog Bite? Contact Us For Help

Michigan dog bite lawyer Mike Morse will answer your questions regarding liability in a Michigan dog bite case for free. Contact us today!

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What to do after a dog bite

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“This firm’s professionalism far exceeds the normal verbal and written communications expected from a law office. They could not have done a better job with the matters concerning my case and I would highly recommend them.”

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Sharon Johnson

“My husband and I were out riding our bikes when a loose dog ran up and bit my husband. Fortunately, the dog bite lawyers at Mike Morse Law Firm were very helpful in taking care of the paperwork and getting us a settlement that covered all of our medical expenses and damages for pain and suffering.”

Michelle B.

“I was attacked by a pit bull when I was out walking in my own neighborhood. My leg was badly injured and I needed stitches and still have a scar. Mike Morse and his team settled my case for $225,000.00. I’m so glad I called Mike!”

Chad Hambrick

“My son was mowing a neighbor’s lawn, when a dog ran out of nowhere and bit him on the arm. He ended up with a large scar and several stitches. The lawyers and staff at the Mike Morse Law Firm were very helpful in helping us build a case and collect. They made the process easy and the whole family is grateful. Thank you again.”

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