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Articles about the distracted and dangerous habits of teen drivers often recite an excess of numbers and statistics. However, such tactics can drive away the very readers for whom they are intended. In observance of Distracted Driving Awareness Month, we revisit a 2021 interview with a young lady who admits to having killed a neighbor when she was distracted by her phone when driving. We offer our gratitude to this teen driver, now a college student, whose advice to her peers is worth sharing, and we send our deepest sympathy to the family of the deceased.

(Editor’s Note: As of this writing, Michigan has not joined the growing number of states that have enacted hands-free cell phone laws, although recently proposed legislation may soon change that, partially thanks to lobbying from Hands Free Michigan.)

The Story

On February 27, 2018, high school senior OIivia Spencer was at the wheel of a 2008 Dodge Caliber. It was before 6:30 a.m., and the sun wouldn’t rise for another 15 minutes. While glancing down at a navigation app on her phone, Olivia crossed two lanes of traffic and ran into a woman we’ll call Shirley McCormack (this name has been changed at Olivia’s request, out of respect for the family of the victim), who was out for a morning walk. Ms. McCormack, a preschool teacher and Spencer family acquaintance, died 10 days later from the injuries she sustained that morning.

Olivia was traumatized by the incident, and replies deliberately when answering questions about it and the events that followed. 

Here are Her Responses to Our Interview

MMLF: What can you tell us about the accident? How did it happen? Did something distract you?

Olivia: “The specifics are still difficult for me to put in words. I became distracted when I went to turn up the volume on my phone. I was headed to a clinical (a hands-on educational session) as a part of my Nurse Assistant training, and we were to meet at a new location. I was unsure how to get there, and my phone was in my cup holder, so I looked down to use it. In that moment I was distracted and accidentally hit Mrs. McCormack, who I did not see prior to looking down at my phone. It was very foggy, early in the morning, and still dark outside. No one else was in the car with me.”

MMLF: What happened immediately afterward?

Olivia: “Again the details are difficult to share, and still replay regularly in my head. I stopped my car and got out to see what happened. I was really freaked out. I called 911 and went to help. Once police and the ambulance showed up, I had to talk to the officers, and they allowed me to call my mother who showed up shortly after; I was less than a mile away from my home. We waited there and waited while the police gathered information.”

MMLF: What have been some of the long-term effects on you and your life?

Olivia: “I still struggle with PTSD, anxiety, and depression resulting from the trauma of this event. I did struggle with dissociation from self for the first year and six months, or so, after the accident. I also am still on probation for a few more months from the results of the accident. I had to serve some jail time as well.”

MMLF: How have you attempted to encourage other young drivers to avoid distractions?

Olivia: “I have been slowly working on starting a nonprofit with my family to bring awareness to mental health struggles amongst teens and young adults, also focusing on distracted driving awareness. I have done numerous school presentations about distracted driving at high schools (as well as colleges). I still have regular conversations with friends I have at school about my experience and help encourage them to drive focused.”

MMLF: How’s life now?  Do you still think about the accident?

Olivia: “I think about the accident daily. More so when I see or hear about other accidents, but I still think about it regularly. Life slowly is getting easier. I have healed a lot over the past three years, but I still have a way to go. This will stay with me for life. I am trying to focus the heartbreak I have into education and prevention of this happening to anyone else. I regularly find myself mourning over the loss the McCormack family has endured.”

MMLF: How is your family doing? Is the incident still impacting them?

Olivia: “Short story, yes. It still impacts them. They were never mad or angry at me, but they were sad for me and the McCormack family. My family doesn’t talk about the specifics much, but they have been supportive and continue educating young adults and preventing anything like this from happening to another family, on either side of the event.”

MMLF: What effects did this have on your prom, graduation, summer leading up to college, other plans?

Olivia: “Graduation was emotional. I saw Mrs. McCormack’s son graduate and I cried right then and there, knowing this was not an easy day for him as he missed his mom in this major life moment. I think about those big life moments for her family a lot and what they are missing without their mom. I felt a lot of guilt walking across the stage that day. And many other days, even still. Over the summer I was going through court, so those high school/hometown “lasts” were overshadowed a lot. The December between my first two semesters at school I was in jail and missed holidays during that time.”

MMLF: Is there anything else you’d like to tell readers?

Olivia: “Put the phone down, keep your eyes on the road. It can wait. Anything can wait while you are driving. It is not worth your life, or the life of others at your hands.” 

At Mike Morse Law Firm, we see the results of distracted driving incidents firsthand, as we represent the interests of people who have been affected and help them recover from their injuries and rebuild their lives. We consider it a public service to inform drivers — especially teen drivers — about the damage they can cause to others if they fail to observe laws intended to protect everyone on the road. If you have been injured in a car crash, call 855-MIKE-WINS (855-645-3946) or contact us online with any questions. The consultation is free, and we are ready to win for you.


Content checked by Mike Morse, personal injury attorney with Mike Morse Injury Law Firm. Mike Morse is the founder of Mike Morse Law Firm, the largest personal injury law firm in Michigan. Since being founded in 1995, Mike Morse Law Firm has grown to over 200 employees, served 40,000 clients, and collected more than $1.5 billion for victims of auto, truck and motorcycle accidents. The main office is in Southfield, MI but you can also find us in Detroit, Sterling Heights and many other locations.