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Help for Pedestrian Accident Victims In Michigan

Mike Morse Law Firm has been helping accident victims in Michigan since 1995. With over 150 employees, Mike Morse has the legal expertise and support staff needed to handle any personal injury case, anywhere in Michigan, from Detroit to Grand Rapids and anyplace in between.

Pedestrian safety is a growing concern in Michigan and all over the country. If you or a loved one have been injured, Mike Morse can help secure personal injury protection benefits and seek compensation for pain and suffering. Michigan residents injured in a pedestrian accident have the Mike Morse Law Firm in their corner.

Mike Morse Law Group understands that pedestrian accidents place a huge financial burden on victims and their families, the last thing they need is to worry about attorney fees. Mike Morse Law Firm charges NO FEE until the case is won. Clients can rest easy knowing Mike Morse and his team are working hard on their behalf to ensure a sound financial recovery.

Call Michigan accident attorneys at Mike Morse Law Firm for a free case evaluation. Available 24 hours a day. Don’t miss the opportunity to get the justice you deserve. Call Mike Morse Law Firm today at 855-MIKE-WINS, or visit www.855mikewins.com to access the Live Chat.

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What to do After a Pedestrian Accident Accident

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Pedestrian Accidents In the U.S., Michigan

Walking is human transportation at its most basic and not only is it inexpensive, it’s also good for the environment. Walking is a great way to get exercise, maintain connections with your neighborhood, and is an ideal way to access public transportation. With all the obvious benefits of walking in Michigan, it is often easy to forget how dangerous being a pedestrian can be.

More than 70,000 pedestrians are involved in traffic-related accidents each year in the United States. In Michigan, nearly 2,500 pedestrians were involved in crashes and of those 2,500 people, 149 of them lost their lives in 2019. Pedestrian accidents are more likely to cause serious injuries due to the unprotected and vulnerable state people are in while walking. Pedestrians have no seatbelts or helmets to protect them, they are not surrounded by metal and glass, they have no airbag. Pedestrians are some of the most vulnerable accident victims in society. If you or a loved one have been injured in a Michigan pedestrian accident, you may be entitled to compensation for medical bills. 

For questions regarding your case, call Mike Morse Law Firm 855-983-0063

Trusted and Recommended

I’d like to thank Mr. Morse and the entire staff for the wonderful job they all did in bringing me such a large settlement. I will recommend this law firm to any and all who may inquire about the matters of personal injury. I’d like to thank Julie and Debbie for all their calls and contributing work, and JoAnn. God bless you all.

Larry A.

Every person I was in contact with made me feel like I was important. The accident changed my life in a second. What do you do? Who can help you? I have no income now. Huge medical bills. Mike got on it within days. It was a true comfort to have them all backing me up.

Lisa H.

“Trisha was great at answering all of my questions. I didn’t waste any time and just went with the best. The haven’t managed to build such a reputable brand for no apparent reason, obviously they do a great job for their clients.”

Mike C.

Pedestrian Accident FAQ

What are the Common Causes of Michigan Pedestrian Motor Vehicle Accidents?

Pedestrian accidents are often the result of someone else’s negligence. Victims seriously injured in pedestrian accidents are often put in jeopardy due to the choices and actions of an unknown motor vehicle operator. Common causes of pedestrian accidents include distracted driving, driving while intoxicated or drugged driving, excessive speed, improper signaling, and failing to yield a right-of-way to pedestrians.

  • Distracted Driving includes anything that takes a driver’s attention away from the safe operation of the motor vehicle. Talking on a cell phone or texting while driving is a major cause of distracted driving and leads to many accidents. Other distractions may be less obvious but just as dangerous, such as talking with passengers, listening to loud music, eating, or having an unrestrained pet in the car.
  • Driving While Intoxicated encompasses more than a drunk driver, it also includes drugged driving. When drivers are impaired by substance use, they are less likely to see pedestrians, have much slower reaction times, and often fail to make adjustments that would prevent a pedestrian accident.
  • Excessive Speed is extremely dangerous to pedestrians. Drivers who choose to exceed the speed limit may not be able to slow down or stop in time to yield to pedestrians.
  • Improper Signaling causes unsafe conditions for motor vehicles as well as pedestrians. Proper use of turn signals is an important element in pedestrian safety. Drivers who fail to signal properly increase the odds of an accident and are often the cause of personal injury to pedestrians.
  • Right-Of-Way Violations increase the chances of pedestrians being hit by a car. Pedestrians have the right-of-way at crosswalks and intersections, and when the traffic signals are red, drivers who choose to ignore the traffic rules put pedestrians at high risk of a serious personal injury accident.

No one expects to be injured in a pedestrian accident. Coping with a serious personal injury caused by another’s negligence can be overwhelming. It may be hard to know where to turn for help. The Michigan pedestrian accident attorneys at Mike Morse Law Firm have won over one billion dollars for their clients, and are top-rated personal injury lawyers. Corp! Magazine named Mike Morse Law Firm “Best Michigan Business” in 2010. Don’t try to navigate a complicated personal injury case alone. Contact Mike Morse at 855-MIKE-WINS to schedule a free consultation.

What are the Michigan Pedestrian Accident Severe Personal Injuries?

Due to the unprotected nature of people while walking, pedestrian accident victims have an increased chance of being seriously injured when involved in an accident involving a motor vehicle. Pedestrians injured by a vehicle often have their lives changed forever. Common serious injuries sustained by victims of vehicle accidents include:

Traumatic Brain Injuries can be mild, moderate, or severe depending on the amount of damage to the brain. Symptoms can range from a simple headache to a permanent vegetative state and a wide-range of conditions in between. Medical care needs can be long-lasting and in some cases victims may require attendant care for the rest of their lives.

Spinal Cord Injuries are divided into two types, Complete and Incomplete.

  • Complete spinal cord injuries are the most serious and eliminate the brain from sending signals below the area injured, which leads to the condition known as paralysis.
  • Incomplete spinal cord injuries reduce the signals the brain is able to send below the injury site. Because the reduction of brain communication is different for each individual, the conditions resulting from the injury are varied. Sensory and motor functions may be compromised and sensation or loss of movement may occur in arms or legs.

Amputations of various body parts can be the tragic result of a hit by car accident, either on the scene or required in surgery later due to extreme damage to a limb.

Severe Bone Fractures are a common result of car accidents involving pedestrians. Bone fractures can be treated but may result in a permanent disability and chronic pain.

Michigan pedestrian accidents can change the victim’s life forever, and can have long-lasting effects on loved ones and family. If you or a loved one was injured in an accident you may be entitled to compensation for damages. Personal injury claims can sometimes be handled by the individual or family, but most professionals highly recommend hiring a pedestrian accident attorney with experience in these types of claims.

The injury lawyers at Mike Morse Law Firm serve accident victims in Grand Rapids, Bay City, Lansing, Detroit, and all other areas in Michigan. Mike Morse is dedicated to fighting for the rights of pedestrian accident victims and won’t stop fighting until you get the settlement you deserve. Call 855-MIKE-WINS 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

What is the Pedestrian Accident Law In Michigan?

Every driver in Michigan is required to carry a No-Fault insurance policy. No-Fault insurance policies include three basic parts.

  • Personal Injury Protection (PIP) pays all of your necessary medical bills within the policies maximum limit. PIP also covers 85% of lost wages for up to three years within a monthly maximum limit depending on the policy.
  • Property Protection (PPI) coverage pays for damages your car does to someone else’s property.
  • Residual Liability Insurance pays certain amounts to victims above what their PIP covers.

While No-Fault insurance protects insured people from being sued, there are some instances where a driver can still be sued in Michigan.

Drivers can be sued if:

  • The accident causes serious injury, disfigurement or death.
  • The accident involved a non-resident in a vehicle not registered in Michigan

Medical expenses incurred as the result of a pedestrian accident in Michigan will first be paid by the victim’s own PIP insurance. If the victim does not have a policy, then the driver’s insurance will pay the victim’s medical bills. Insurance claims can be tricky depending on the specifics of each individual case, it is highly advised that pedestrian accident victims seek an experienced attorney to help navigate Michigan No-Fault benefits for pedestrian accidents, and Personal Injury Protection settlements. Call Mike Morse Law Firm today at 855-MIKE-WINS.

What are the Personal Injury, PIP Benefits, Claims Settlement?

Because pedestrian accidents so often lead to severe injury or death, PIP benefits may not cover the full extent of damages. In this situation, it is best to contact a skilled pedestrian accident attorney to seek full compensation. An attorney can help their client in the following ways:

  • Injury lawyers collect evidence to prove the extent and long-lasting effect of injuries a client has sustained.
  • Pedestrian accident attorneys are up to date on current personal injury law and how it pertains to a victim’s case.
  • Compensation amounts and damages can be accurately calculated by competent legal help committed to a fair settlement.
  • Injury Lawyers are experts at negotiation. Many claims for injuries are handled through insurance companies. Insurance companies do not always have the best interest of the victim in mind. Negotiating a proper settlement requires the legal expertise to understand fair compensation. Legal help from an attorney ensures the settlement is fair and in the best interest of their client.

Can the victim of a Pedestrian Accident pursue pain and suffering claims?

Personal Injury Protection benefits include a capped amount for medical bills and for lost wages. However, the damages and loss suffered by victims often far exceeds what is offered in PIP benefits, and PIP benefits do not include any compensation for pain and suffering.

Pain and suffering claims include physical and emotional pain suffered by the victim directly related to the pedestrian accident. A pain and suffering claim takes into account:

  • Physical pain
  • Emotional distress
  • Mental anguish
  • Scarring that causes emotional trauma
  • Loss of quality of life
  • Permanent disabilities,
  • Ongoing PTSD from the accident
  • And more

Emotional pain can be hard to quantify into actual dollars. An attorney with personal injury law experience will be able to help their client arrive at a legal settlement amount. When deciding on an appropriate settlement figure, an experienced attorney will factor in:

  • How long it has or will take their client to recover
  • If the injuries resulted in a disability or disfigurement
  • The type of injury sustained
  • The severity of injury
  • If the injury was clearly caused by negligence and not the fault of their client
  • If any law was broken that contributed to the accident, such as being hit by a drunk driver

Michigan No-Fault laws allow for victims to pursue pain and suffering claims and seek compensation for their injuries.

In the days and weeks that follow a pedestrian accident, it is common to feel anxious and overwhelmed. You deserve compensation for the pain and suffering you have suffered following your injuries, but the process to file a claim, communicate with insurance companies, and understand your legal options may feel like too much to handle alone.

That is why the team at Mike Morse Law Firm is here to help 24/7. We pride ourselves on providing our clients with legal representation they can rely on, and we are always ready to go the distance to help our clients.

Need answers? We are available to answer all the questions you may have, including information on your insurance policies, the statute of limitations for claims in Michigan, and whether or not you should file a lawsuit after your accident.

With over 25 years of experience in defending personal injury victims, we are well-versed in Michigan laws and have the resources and knowledge needed to fight for you. Let our local pedestrian accident, lawyers put their expertise to work for you and your family.

Call us today at 855-MIKE-WINS to talk with one of our pedestrian accident, lawyers in a free consultation. We are also available 24/7 by text at 833-898-6453.

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