In recent years, the State of Michigan has enacted laws regulating Uber and Lyft. The law lumps them together with the Transportation Network Companies of “TNC”.
Here are some of the requirements for drivers driving for Uber or Lyft:
While most of us assume that these Uber or Lyft vehicles require an annual inspection, that is NOT always the case. The State of Michigan only requires an annual inspection if the vehicle is five years old or older! There is no inspection required on a vehicle less than five years old!
Are Uber and Lyft drivers and passengers protected when injured in a car accident in Michigan? At Mike Morse Law Firm we have attorneys that specialize in handling Uber and Lyft cases, so call today for a free consultation with one of our Uber and Lyft experts!
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As many of us know, Uber and Lyft are a convenient way to order a quick ride without having cash on hand. While Uber and Lyft are discussed here, this article applies equally to all ridesharing and transportation network companies operating in Michigan.
But what are Uber and Lyft actually? Uber and Lyft are essentially just software companies. Uber and Lyft are apps that can be put on any “smart” mobile device to allow the user to simply press a few buttons to get a ride from a driver in the driver’s personal vehicle allowing payment to all be done through the app. However, these drivers that you are calling with this app aren’t actually Uber or Lyft employees. They are independent contractors allowed to provide rides and be paid for those rides. Uber and Lyft are two completely separate companies and fierce competitors. However, in most instances, drivers drive for both services! It generally depends on the time of day or location when deciding which company that they are driving for.
While Uber and Lyft provide a great service for those that need a ride, there are some very important considerations that anyone taking a ride from an Uber or Lyft must know.
Call the Uber and Lyft experts at Mike Morse Law Firm for your free consultation!
Uber and Lyft, or its driver MUST maintain primary automobile insurance on a vehicle being used to transport passengers WHILE the driver is logged on to accept passengers or while transporting passengers. The State of Michigan has guidelines for the type and amount of minimum coverage that is required for Uber and Lyft. The required coverage depends on the status of the vehicle.
As you can see, there is no requirement that Uber, Lyft or the driver carry uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage.
While Uber and Lyft vehicles are required by Michigan law to carry No-Fault PIP coverage, this does not mean that that insurance is the one responsible for your No-Fault benefits. If you are injured in an Uber or Lyft here is the order of priority for which insurance company pays:
The Uber and Lyft insurance are only responsible for paying your No-Fault benefits if there is no other insurance available to you.
The most important thing to do before becoming and Uber or Lyft driver is understanding your insurance policy and the Uber or Lyft insurance. Many personal policies have restrictions prohibiting their insureds from driving for rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft. If your insurance policy has one of these restrictions, absolutely do not drive for any rideshare company. The insurance company can rescind your policy which means that it is no different than driving without insurance. Many insurance companies provide rideshare endorsements that provide added protection. Getting the rideshare endorsement is not required but certainly recommended.
Know the insurance that you are purchasing from the rideshare company. In Michigan, Uber currently uses Allstate as its insurance company. Lyft uses a company called Indian Harbor Insurance Company. These policies have requirements on what coverages that you must maintain on your personal insurance policy. Make sure that your personal policy complies with the Uber or Lyft policy or the policy could be rescinded which would mean you are effectively driving without insurance.
As a driver, you are afforded the same amounts of coverage as discussed above. However, it is always recommended that you purchase additional coverage to further protect you and your passengers.
If you have any questions about your personal policy or Uber or Lyft policy call Mike Morse Law Firm to speak with one of our Uber and Lyft experts.
If you are injured as a driver or passenger in an Uber or Lyft, remember the following:
When taking an Uber or Lyft, a number of things should be considered, but first and foremost is SAFETY. As many of us have heard on the news, Uber and Lyft have allowed some very unsafe drivers to drive for their services in the past. From what they report, the screening has improved, but when you decide to get into an Uber or Lyft, always err on the safe side and follow some very important safety tips from Mike Morse Law Firm Uber and Lyft experts.
Probably not. While Uber and Lyft have their issues, the same issues apply to taxis and then some. Like Uber and Lyft, taxis are also usually not owned by the company painted on the car. Generally, the big cab companies are simply allowing a company or person use the name and logo of the big company. So just because it is a nationally recognized company, it does not mean that they have the training or insurance of the big name that you know.
If you do take a cab, you should take the same precautions as listed above. However, there is one thing that Uber and Lyft have that taxis do not. Uber and Lyft have a paper trial! Your rides are tracked on the app and service. This is not the case with a taxi.
Taxis are required to carry far less liability insurance than an Uber or Lyft. So you are likely still safer in an Uber or Lyft than a taxi!
In the days and weeks that follow a uber, lyft and taxi accident, it is common to feel anxious and overwhelmed. You deserve compensation for the pain and suffering you have suffered following your injuries, but the process to file a claim, communicate with insurance companies, and understand your legal options may feel like too much to handle alone.
That is why the team at Mike Morse Law Firm is here to help 24/7. We pride ourselves on providing our clients with legal representation they can rely on, and we are always ready to go the distance to help our clients.
Need answers? We are available to answer all the questions you may have, including information on your insurance policies, the statute of limitations for claims in Michigan, and whether or not you should file a lawsuit after your accident.
With over 25 years of experience in defending personal injury victims, we are well-versed in Michigan laws and have the resources and knowledge needed to fight for you. Let our local uber, lyft and taxi accident lawyers put their expertise to work for you and your family.
Call us today at 855-MIKE-WINS to talk with one of our uber, lyft and taxi accident lawyers in a free consultation. We are also available 24/7 by text at 833-898-6453.
Don’t fight alone. Start your free case review here and we’ll get back to you within 2 hours.