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Why “Contingency Fees” Are A Win for Clients And Personal Injury Attorneys Alike

Why “Contingency Fees” Are A Win for Clients And Personal Injury Attorneys Alike

Every time we take on a personal injury case, we promise the following to every client we represent: You pay nothing unless we win. And we mean it — so much that we feature them on our website, and even in our well-known TV ads. It’s a client-centered way of doing business referred to as working on a “contingency basis,” and it is not an empty promise. It’s one we make with full confidence in both our proven abilities as personal injury lawyers, and our genuine commitment to fight for each and every client. Best of all, it means you have no financial risk when you hire us as your personal injury attorneys.

By accepting your personal injury case on a contingency basis, we’re making a confident bet that, between our legal expertise and your testimony, it will give us a very good chance of winning your lawsuit. It’s a promise that pays off handsomely for our clients. In fact, we’ve won over $1.5 billion for Michiganders just like you – all without ever taking money from clients up front. This means that anyone who’s injured has the opportunity to seek compensation if they’ve been wrongfully injured. We believe working on a contingency basis is the best way to ensure that the rights of all citizens are treated respectfully, and that no one is unfairly penalized just because they can’t afford to pay an attorney’s fees out of pocket.

We Use a Variety of Resources to Build Your Case

Of course, doing that for our clients doesn’t mean we’re not risking significant sums of our own money to build your case. That money can be allocated to:

  • Investigating the situation and conditions that led to your injury.
  • Hiring private investigators and professional researchers to dig into the circumstances surrounding what happened to you.
  • Seeking out and bringing in expert witnesses from around the state (and sometimes across the country) to testify on your behalf.
  • Conducting hours of research to find evidence as dashcam and other surveillance videos.
  • Researching law enforcement records to locate and subpoena eyewitnesses.
  • Making the effort to compel less-than-friendly defendants to give sworn depositions about their actions.
  • Attempting to negotiate a pre-trial settlement that fairly compensates you for your suffering without forcing you to relive your pain in a public courtroom. And, if it does come to trial, guiding you through the legal process and representing you in court to make certain your case is presented in the best possible light.

We do all that and you don’t pay a penny out of pocket. Not to mention we also undertake hours and hours of behind-the-scenes work that includes making complicated legal filings, assembling necessary medical records, gathering other essential documents such as police reports, and delving into precedent-setting cases like yours that can help us effectively make your case in court. Again, we do it all without charging you one red cent up front for any of the work we perform on your case. For additional details, check this recent article that gives you a bit more background on how we work on your behalf once you’ve chosen us as your personal injury law firm.

Meeting and Exceeding the Ethical Standards of the State Bar of Michigan

We commit to observing the Michigan Rules of Professional Conduct– and to treat our clients just as we’d like to be treated if we were in their shoes. After all, you’ve suffered enough at the hands of the individual, company or organization that caused your injuries.

The American Bar Association, the national counterpart to the Michigan State Bar Association, describes contingency fees and provides a very good explanation of how a contingency fee basis works. We’d like to note that at Mike Morse Law Firm we make certain our fee structure is actually better for our clients than the ABA standard.

Remember our promise: we never make our clients pay up-front filing fees, deposition costs, witness travel expenses or other charges. That simply wouldn’t be the right thing to do. And we rarely lose. That’s just one of the reasons we’ve become one of Michigan’s largest and most trusted personal injury law firms.

For more details on what happens once you hire us, check out this article discussing our step-by-step new client orientation process. Or, if you’d rather talk with someone in person, just call us at 855-MIKE-WINS (855-645-3946) and we can quickly assess your case and get the ball rolling so you can put money worries aside and concentrate on your recovery. It’s what we do every day of the week – even on nights and weekends. Pick up the phone or click here right now to get things started. It costs you nothing but a few minutes on the phone to learn more. And it will continue to cost you nothing at all until we win!

Why “Contingency Fees” Are A Win for Clients And Personal Injury Attorneys Alike

Content checked by Mike Morse, personal injury attorney with Mike Morse Injury Law Firm. Mike Morse is the founder of Mike Morse Law Firm, the largest personal injury law firm in Michigan. Since being founded in 1995, Mike Morse Law Firm has grown to over 200 employees, served 40,000 clients, and collected more than $1.5 billion for victims of auto, truck and motorcycle accidents. The main office is in Southfield, MI but you can also find us in Detroit, Sterling Heights and many other locations.